Fallout shelter max room size
Fallout shelter max room size

fallout shelter max room size

Have a plan, always move toward that plan, know what the next plan is after that, and move toward that as soon as possible.Īnd then move on to the next plan, and so forth. It's very easy to let your colonists do "busy work" - hauling, cleaning, shuffling around - and never actually grow your base in any productive direction, or at least not very effectively. One of the hardest things, especially for new players but even veterans can suffer this, is to know where you're going next. This guide is the ultimate go-to guide to building your colony, for all stages of the game. 2.1 Getting stuff done: lowering foot traffic.Once the Nuka-Cola bottler is unlocked, gardens are rendered obsolete. As a downside, the garden is significantly more expensive to build and upgrade than the diner. The garden is overall the more efficient of the two, with a better ratio of production time to production quantity than the diner, with the production time being 1.25 times longer, but yielding 1.375 times more food and therefore being 10% more efficient.

fallout shelter max room size

Upgrade costs will be 25% cheaper for a double room and about 34% cheaper when upgrading a triple room vs upgrading 3 single rooms.Ĭompared to the diner, the basic food production room, the garden generates more food with slightly longer production time. The rooms will gain a +2 production bonus for each connected room. The garden, like other rooms, gains a production and upgrade cost bonus from being connected to another room of the same type and level. To increase the speed at which Food is generated, place dwellers with better Agility in this room.

Fallout shelter max room size